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Running Analysis in Warwick

Running Injury Analysis in Warwick


Whether you are preparing for the Warwick Half Marathon, or the 2 Castles Run, an analysis of how you run is an essential part of your pre race preparation.


By understanding the way you run, how your foot hits the floor and how you position the rest of your body. You can not only improve your running times, but avoid injuries.


Based just outside Warwick, we are Sports Scientists and Running Specialists able to effectively analyse how you run by looking at your biomechanics.

Running Injury Analysis in Warwick

Why have a running analysis?

Everybody has a different way of running, there is no one size fits all when it comes to running gait. 

When your foot hits the floor in running your body will react in a different way to someone else, and the way you hit the floor affects the ground reaction forces that run up through your body. That ground reaction force can help you, it can make you run more efficiently, or it can hinder you and slow you down. 


The forces that occur in running can cause your knees, hips, back and even shoulders to move fluidly together, or they can work against you, creating injuries for the future. 


This is why ananalysis of your running is an essential part of your race preparation.


Running Injury Analysis in Warwick

What happens during the assessment?

Our running assessment sessions take 50 minutes During this time we will assess your posture and analyse how you run. 

We use video technology to video you running out in the real world, this allows us to see how your foot strikes the floor, as well as the effect this has throughout your body all the way from your feet to your head.

Along with your history and our physical assessment, this allows us change your running style to either improve your efficiency of running and therefore your run times, or to get rid of a running injury, or to prevent you getting injured in the future.  


Within this session we ask you to run in all of your shoes and we give you advice on the best shoes for you. Everyone is an individual so one shoe type does not work for everyone. 

Our Running Gait Analysis sessions are unique. 

We video you running in the real world rather than on a treadmill. Running is very different on a treadmill to in the real world, as the way the forces act through the floor are very different. 

We can then slow your movements down so we can see exactly what you are doing biomechanically through your your body. We check from your head to your toes and watch the movement interactions.

Then we can strengthen, loosen and alter the way your foot hits the floor based on what we find during your analysis.

S Bancroft

I visited the Clinic for a running gait assessment and was really impressed with the information and guidance Ian was able to provide to help me tackle an Achilles problem after a short video assessment. He was very professional, knowledgeable and gave me confidence that the issue is not the end of my running career!


I would recommend him to anyone wanting to get to the bottom of a sports injury. His advice was practical and helpful. Thank you.

It is six years since I had a gait assessment which was on a tread mill. So visiting the clinic for a new gait assessment after all these years was nothing like I expected. Ian’s approach by videoing my gait with me running and then analysing in slow motion was massively revealing.


Even more revealing when I repeated the run in one of my older pair of running shoes. I now understand why I am prone to so many injuries.! Ian was able to give me a series of exercises to help strengthen the weak points that were picked up. A fantastic approach to injury treatment and even better to provide a route to prevention in the future.


A very down to earth and practical advice which has now also helped my rebalance my training regime to help reduce injury and rejuvenate my running. Thank you

I went to the clinic for a running gait assessment with Ian. No specific injury problems, but from the wear on my running shoes I knew there was something not quite right. A very professional approach to not only analysing my style but also identifying the cause of the problem.


Suggested exercises provided which should help, and the offer to review again in a few months if I sent a video. Couldn't really have asked for more.

Need more information? Get in touch.

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